Why this, why now?

Why'd I suddenly decide to abandon my previous blog, Editions of Me, that I'd been keeping for well over a decade?

Have you ever woken up one day and felt like it's time for a change?

Well, I didn't just wake up one day feeling this way, but I had been contemplating it for a while. I was 26 when I started blogging in earnest, and as you can imagine, I was a completely different person at 26 than I am now at 40. The blog I started at 26 carries a lot of my past, and at this point, I want to leave it behind. I want to stop looking back at my life and regretfully pondering What-ifs and If-onlys. I want to gaze fiercely forward.

What's going to be different about this blog? Not too much--I will still talk about my life. But I'm going to try to just let it be. I tried to take all sorts of different directions with my previous blog, which led to me trying to start branch-off blogs that were more specific, which led to me just feeling really overwhelmed and exhausted. I don't want that for myself, in my blog or in my life.

This blog will be about my pursuit of self-care and inner peace. It will be where I document the things that bring joy and provoke thought. It will include some of the things I've talked about previously, like running, lifting, knitting, makeup, and books, but only as much as I am letting them be part of my life--I'm not Trying To Be A Blogger anymore, constantly trying to keep up with the latest thing and trying to get clicks; I just want to be me. I want this blog to be for me, first and foremost, but I do want to put this out there in case it helps me find kindred spirits.

Please feel welcome to join me on this journey. I will not have comments turned on because I get so many spam bots, but I do welcome kind conversation, offered in good faith. Please see my About page if you want to reach me.


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